Introduction to Cryo-EM in the Fitzpatrick Lab
Dr. Anthony Fitzpatrick gives a virtual talk on Cryo-EM at CUMC.
Curious Minds: How do Proteins Tangle in the Brain?
A project exploring how proteins turn toxic in the brain brings together two undergraduates with a passion for science.
Anthony Fitzpatrick: Revealing Alzheimer's
At Columbia’s Zuckerman Institute, Anthony Fitzpatrick, PhD, traces the molecular building blocks of Alzheimer’s, CTE and other devastating diseases.
Untangling Alzheimer's
Learn more about how we are combining approaches and integrating neuroscience, MRI, single cell RNA-seq, cell biology, super-resolution microscopy, cryo-EM, biochemistry, and genetics to understand and combat Alzheimer's disease in this video.
Alzheimer's Research with cryo-EM
Paired Helical Filaments (PHF). Powered by Thermo Scientific Amira Software. Data courtesy of The Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Fitzpatrick et al., 2017.